Mixers and grinders are small appliances that are portable or which are used on the table tops. These appliances work through electricity. Either they are connected through the switches or it may be direct. Mixers and grinders almost look alike but their functions are different. Mixers are used to blend soft things like fruits, tomatoes etc., whereas grinders are used to blend hard items like spices, black pepper or coffee beans and sandal wood for other purposes.
Many mixers and juicers are available in the market, which are new and work on battery; these batteries can be rechargeable or disposable in nature. The prices of these mixers and grinders may vary brand to brand. Generally big dealers in home appliances have high prices.
In the latest trends these mixer and grinders are designed in such a way that they consume very less electricity. Thus, they are pocket friendly also.
Mixer grinders have reduced the burden of house makers as well as of the chef’s all over the world. These
food processors are also available at very reasonable prices in the market. They not only suit all house makers but also suits all kinds of pockets all over the world.